2024-2025 Intent to Run Form

If you are interested in running for section officer for the 2024-2025 term, please fill out the Intent to Run Form before Conclave. You can find the form here.

Council of Chiefs Minutes

The Council of Chiefs minutes are the official documentation of the Section E6 Council of Chiefs meetings. COC minutes are published briefly after a COC by the Section Secretary. Find an archive of our minutes here.


Section E6 has developed a branding guide to assist lodges & individuals within the section with integrating the Section E6 brand into their communication material. Find the Branding Guide here.

National OA Website

Visit the national OA website at oa-bsa.org for more information on the Order of the Arrow’s program and history. The OA website contains a variety of resources for existing and potential Arrowmen at all levels of the program.